Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I want to take the Szondi Test! HOW CAN i?

According to, Professor Szondi
you will lke or dislike, facial photos
of youe genic ancestor line almost
as mirror of what your mind set
is at the time of test, changing as you
change, and further the pressure of the
 domminent 'drives' set the person
on to his love choices, his occupation
and ultimately determines his form of
existence, this his psychology is also
fate analysis.
(Most American psychologists choked
on speaking such a mystic sounding term. )

You can take the Szondi Test Online, Under a screen name, after establishing yourself as a "follower" and therefor of your own volition also, "a student" and agreeing to accept the declaimer, that the Szondi Test is experimental, and no claim is made as to its fitness for any purpose, other than stimulating dialog, and each individual is to judge for himself as to wither or not the experiments and/or the Szondian Concept have any value. Any resultes or discussion offered are not diagnostic, as only a  professionally qualifed expert can do that under his state licenng to do so.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Our definition of the Ego for the infant is the developed awareness of the difference between one self and others.

Our definition of the Ego for the infant is the developed awareness of the difference between one self and others. as infancy changes into childhood, along with all the features of growth, metabolic, neurological, hormonal, there is evidence of some awareness of fundamental needs and a searching to satisfy them. This is the basis for the belief there is an early 'pre verbal' or 'primitive' Ego
Within a few months perhaps as the developing brain readies for later developments of thinking and language (the later) unique to mankind. A system of impulse handing also develops concurrently. This early Ego appears to expand its controlling and adapting powers exponentially as language and basic thinking skills are acquired. At the same time the first 'primary' relations to significant others. partially remain and are not automatically over thrown and are carried over into the sequential development stages.
To set these unfolding stages into perspective for us Susan Deri translated the Szondi Test signs belonging to the Ego sphere (Sch) and putting aside the issues belonging to the three Szondi Vectors Sexual (S), Paroxysmal/Affect (P) and Contact/Mood (C). These three Vectors of course generate the needs and strivings a particular Ego setting has to handle. Different Ego patterns have different modes of doing their moderation work, Later in clinical examples our experimental test findings will reflect the fact that an adult under sufficient pressure or stress may regress to the use of Ego patterns belonging to his childhood.
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The constraints of the Szondi Test permits filtering out of sixteen Ego Patterns.

2011 YEAR THE EGO WAS REVUED, in Szondi's composed of the articulation of Catatonic and Paranoid ancestor set impulse strivings. Both 'Schizophrene' in exaggerated forms, thus coded "Sch" 

 I expect to rewrite this sections after I cover the other Vectors. Sexual/Gender, Paroxysmal/Emotional.

For the purpose of study, this table is useful as a reference, Far more useful and interesting is the Ego development (as [k] and [p] choices, generated by tested individuala) as demonstrated within  the contraints of the experimental test. {All prospective tests have constraints that need be recognized. A point easy to overlook.} These fndins thenpermit a visualization of the relative intensities of the drives that he test material seeks to measure, however in a schematic form, from which a experimentor may use to create his intrepretation of what he believes the results represents. To due this he must be aware of what similar results where associated with in other individuals and their normal or clinical history. The generalizations that are offered here are for that purpose, but are all so useful as psychological terms in themselves useful for any student of psychology, mental health, social work, education or related human behavior studies.

The Ego (Self) of Leopold Szondi (MD, Hungarian,(later Swiss) World War I physician, university professor, Hungarian government education specialist, genealogist, endocrinologist and psychoanalyst. Inventor, The Szondi Test (At first, called "Genic affinity experimental test.")

 The various Ego positions:


They unfold from infancy to old age. This in respect to the Ego Vector here. Later you will each of a person's also exert their strivings at the same moment in time. The larger system is to be understood for it's parts, which may be confusing at first, but should be rewarding to explore for students of human nature. 

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"As filtered out by the Szondi Test; the personality consists of four gene ancestor set "Vectors of influence.", hard wired in the brain and which serve as foundation for a person's preferred choice making throughout his life, his mate, friendships, occupation and untimately, his dealing methods for coping with life, which then over time, determned his position in the many froms of existence that represent the fate of humans."

  • The four heredity set Vectors; each with various settings which are also modeds of representing unique functions of the personality.

    1] Sexual/Gender

      2] Paroxysmal/Emotional

      3] Ego/Self Direction/Participation.

      4] Contact/Cyclic/Polar

L. Szondi's Contact/Cyclic/Polar Vector is the Study Group focus--Pages top right.
more later
--more later

Some miscellaneous Szondi Concepts Post are at URL http://chirobut29.blogspot.com/
Click Here--  [Contact Vector] 
-------->@Ask an Expert - Visit my Virtual Office at LivePerson

Szondi's Contact/Cyclic/Mood/Polar Vector (Where Relationships Can Drive one Bipolar..

This is a index to help you dig around.

Study group (Here)

The Basic Conflict-Cause of Neurosis


The constraints of the Szondi Test permits filter...



Dreameryv2 Guest Dream Provider and Self-Analyst.


Mountain Software Writer The Mind as Software.  ·  


The Ego Stages as reflected in the Szondi Test. [2011 Study offering.]


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Welcome--Everyone has to start someplace--or someplace different later on. If you have an interest in humans and how they work you should find a lot of food for thought here. It not the usual stuff. Follow the grown of the little guy's Ego from breast to adult stance as filtered out and theoized from the various settings invented by Hungarian Psychiatrist, Leopold Szondi and his astute student and co-worker Susan Deri.

The "xx" and some gaps you see are place markers I need to return to and fill in.

 SITE: Szondi Test Study Group Open to public, students, professionals, the curious.

Szondi's Contact/Cyclic/Mood/Polar Vector (Where Relationships  Can Drive one Bipolar..
 My modernizations here can be wrong,
test everything against the original, please. Feel
 free to question, This is a study group.

Certain Original images (L. Szondi (c) Grune and Straton/ NY./Hans Huber/Bern, Swiss.) were revised for fair use teaching purposes. You are advised to obtain the SZONDI TEST set and books directly  from the copywrite owners. This is educational commentary and the responsibility for the views offered and whatever errors that my reporting makes are my responsibility. Scientific value is left your judgment.

Even without the Szondi Test
the categories and terms
expand will expand how you
view the nature of mankind
when viewed from the various
outcomes of his gene ancestor
 based drive structure.

The Szondi Reagant Photos and the personality traits of those who avoid them as they talke the Szondi Test. I start here because if a frequent finding and not any random occurance, supporting Szondi' contention the photos were of reagent quality useful as a projective test.

Along with some from a generation before you --
you can puzzle on why/how-- out of 48 picture representing, 8 psychiatric types, a person can avoid cossing two specificc types. You don't need the test set to do the mind work that I touch on here, but it is a lot more interesting, with it, especially when you test yourself to to  'see' an image of yourself or others, class mates family and actual cases..

  This common finding C=[d0][m0], in the Contact Vector (Or [Cyclic/Contact Vector] as renamed to include various modes of bonding and contact with aspects of reality also found to be traits and strivings and needs detected to be asserting in manic deppressive individuals. We will try to explore the various  [d] and [m] articulation with Szondi Test of interpretive importance. (And you can deside for yourself it's usefulness and validness.)
seen from a middle line with 6 spaces
above an 6 below, here it is realtiviy
an avoidance in all 4 possible 
directions--Called a double 'open', the 
strivings a decided would indicate
are not "gone" but exist background.

Now going deeper in the specific avoidance of like or dislike of the SZ photos ff the psychometric types manic an depressive. (DSM IV readers need to hold off trying to use today's terms until they cover the full sixteen settings and understand it is settings in the other three Vectors that determe, any final  move to a clinical outcome,  before any clinical outcome beyond normal cyclic is reached thus, there the setting reflect are those mainly normal, but not allways pleasant adjustments that most people make.)

Alone with some from a generation before you --
you can puzzle on why/how-- out of 48 picture representing, 8 psychiatric types, a person can avoid cossing two specificc types. You don't need the test set to do the mind work I touch on here, but it is a lot more interesting, with it, especially when you test yourself to to  'see' an image of yourself.

 We will display one after the other the settings and findings in the Contact Vector (Or [Cyclic Vector] as renamed to include various modes of bonding and contact with aspects of reality, also they are believed to asserting in this [d] and [m] articulation with comment of Szondi Test interpretive importance. as we go.)

 A 'double open'. A  'setting' or 'finding' not so common in the other three Vectors, where the subject avoids BOTH the liking or disliking choices (asumed to be unconsciously made action) as he takes the Szondi Test in the proper sequence. (In your editor's limited experience, this "setting" [d=0][m=0] seemed to be the frequent one of young adults entering into relationships without being ready or transitiional to separation from their families of orign and same time not really ready to bond sincerely with the new significant person  and same time sexual and ego strivings that may be over active. [look to the[ Sexual Vector]. [Paroxysmal Vector and   Ego Vector] for other settings representing what then is ] probably dominating the both thinking and behavior at that moment in time. This image shoe one liked and one same factor disliked, which is relative speaking still avoidance significant, but more often is a single or sometines none at all.

Meet Cyclic Setting #1 of 16] (Order of frequency according to Dr. Szondi)

on here, but it is a lot more interesting, with it, especially when you test yourself to to sort of 'see' an image of yourself.

 Close up of a common finding in the Contact Vector (Or [Cyclic Vector] as renamed to include various modes of bonding and contact with aspects of reality also found to be asserting in  this [d] and [m] articulation with Szondi Test's interpretive importance.)

 A double "open" (we theorise to be)an foreground absence of all the the core strivings of entire  C Vector,  Here the Cyclic/Contact/Polar which is build from the natural antagonists of depressives and manics.
. A double open finding not so common in the other three Vectors,  it is where the subject avoids BOTH the liking or disliking choices (asumed to be unconsciously made action) as he takes the Szondi Test in the proper sequence. (In your editor's limited experience, this "setting" [d=0][m=0] seemed to be the frequent one of young adults entering into relationships without being ready for separation from their families of orign and same time not really ready to bond sincerely with the new significant person  and same time sexual and ego strivings that may be over active. [look to the[ Sexual Vector]. [Paroxysmal Vecto[r and   Ego Vector] for other settings representing what then is ] probably dominating the both thinking and behaviour at that moment in time.

This will get clearer as to significance as we move through the sequence.

Comment: I was introduced to this experimental method by my  (circa 1951-2) professor, who said you just have to see this for yourself. Well seeing it for myself I did, and while now I cop out of any claim of scientific proof. I tell you the same thing.

In the setting [d=0][m=0] (It can also writen as "C=00" leaving out the 'understood' {d}{m}) as making it a sort of jargon thing you will soon master.

Szondi teaches us that subjects being SZONDI Test, procedure is done by his like and dislike choice making of the 48 SZ reagent photos. Therefore the choices the subject has performed an act that can only be explained on a theoretical subconscious  projection basis, the results of which then reflects projectivly his drives, inclinatons and needs (when correctly understood the related strvings asserting, at the time of the test sample was made. This the total system is also a drive psychology.   

The results are said to be made by a subconscious filtering not by chance. Also these setting detected will change paralleled to subjects inner strivings, in respect to their strength and how they are being satisfied. Therefor multiple samplings, usually a series of ten testings of a person needs to be produced before jumping to making anything more than tentative interpretations..

It needs to be remembered that a "setting" reflects the moment repeat samples are