Thursday, July 30, 2009


[ Szondi Teachings]



In Szondi's view each Factor, is modeled after a psychiatric condition, that has in its nature an inherent drive that seeks satisfaction. Each may be viewed as also being a basic (every human has) needs and strivings. These needsl/strivings belonging to the nature of specific Szondi defined psychiatric types. The function of the Szondi Test is to filter out the type and their relative strienghts, by the like and dislike of the test material which consists of reagent quality facial photos. The (gene/ancestor set) reagent quality of these photos, acts to cause a subject to like or dislike them depending on some unconscious setting of his drives at the time the test was made. The results representing a mirror of the relative power or attraction of such drives and needs for the tested person. This is somewhat different than what happens in other projective tests commonly used in psychological testing, as they are based on other processes, for example the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, uses an entirely different probing method, and as reesult filters out somewhat different aspects of the tested subject's personality/ The amorphous blot forms images with certain qualities rather than the selected relative affinities across the eitht of psychiatric types.

Keep in mind that non-clinical cases have only general type relation to the clinical examples, Nevertheless the Szondi named psychiatric conditions become our measuring stick and our navagation tool for our personality studies. This structured schema also sets it outside of most of today's accepted psychological systems.

THIS IS IS AS CONTRUCTED BY YOUR EDITOR, WHO IS TO BLAME FOR ANY ERRORS And things Szond'i never would have said this way




Reagent Photo: [h] Male homosexual. strongly overloaded with feminine characteristics.

1. Need for personal affection, (varies from simple friendly impulses to the Eroto-manias and cravings of love. Associates generally with tenderness and feminine modes of thinking.



Reagent Photo: [s] Sadistic perpetrator.

2. Need for activity, assertion, (varies from enjoyment of starting the day to mental and physical activities to hardness and actual events tinged with sadism. Associates with hardness and masculine modes of thinking.



Reagent Photo:[e] Epileptics in inter-paroxsmal over-controlled phase.

Need for Control of Emotions. (Varies in amounts of control and related ethical restrains, from reasonable practical to moments over enrolled to that under-controlled and good thinking/behaving nature shutting off. Here tendencies to being 'Good Abel' or polar to the envious hateful 'Cain' may assert, depending on the compromises available to be used.



Reagent photo :[hy] Need to show emotional and self displaying aspects of self.

Need to show on self, to be admired and to express ( varies from shyness, tactful showing of desire for attention to strong exhibitionistic acts or desires.



Reagent Photo:: [k] Narcissistic self-contained Catatonics..

Need to include in the mind-image index certain signifiers of 'what and who I believe I am'. This varies from a usable and adaptive self-space to Narcissistic isolations where the self is far more important than others.)



Reagent Photo: [p] Paranoids in the clinical state of over projection out shifting of repressed desires,

Need to participate, to find mental and emotional satisfying ways of unfolding ones needs, strivings, and inclinations.

(varies from satisfactory balanced rational and effective modes of adjustment that can in some become over rationalistic or turn to projected forms of blaming of others or even as to move one to the borders of paranoia.)



Reagent Photo: [d] depressives,

Need for 'Objects' with bonding Power (Here objects means those persons or things that when the are lost to you it is painful, and literally depressing. These can be small things, big things, money things or minor or major loved persons. Mood depressive when any such specially-keyed type bond is threatened with ending dependency connections and aspects similar to those found in the 'anal phase, as described by K. Abraham.



Reagent Photo: [m] Manics,
Need for object dependency as and enjoyment seeking manic phase cases. problematics resembling the problematic of the oral phase; ( Psychoanalyst, Karl Abraham.)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Szondian Ego

The constraints of the Szondi Test, filters out sixteen possible Ego's or Ego positions, if the Ego is conceived as largely built from the articulation of the two contrasting psychiatric strivings, 'schizophrene', Catatonia and Paranoia. Before you reject this notion, you need to see how well it works in practice.

"Fateanalytic psychology has expanded outward the boundaries of ego concepts further beyond the recognized circumstances of the Freudian double concept of "ego and superego" and beyond the Jungian terms "ego and self."

"Ego-Analyse" (1956)(C)Hans Huber, Berne// L. Szondi


Szondi's Ego psychology long hidden in the German texts and any would be investigator was advised not to waste his time on anything so stupid as the Szondi Test and some of the Hungarian Professor's (some said) differebt id not peculiar theories.

As one follows Szondi's logic and tests it himself, most who are willing to go that far will begin to see there is more than unbridled speculation and generalization. There is a logical schematic core. The finds of the experimental test built it theories and then the theories organized themselves into an array, with similarities to the early table of periodic elements introduced by the Russian researcher, Mendeleev, who's chart by analog located the chemical elements, in such a way that certain elements, although rare or transient chemical existence were predicable, and with later technology detected.

  • The Ego (that which we think of as our" self", is according to Szondi defined by its four functions. Each these functions can be extended in other contexts as the Ego servers uniquely in humans, as to bridge and moderate all of a person's instinctual strivings by use of symbols and language. These functions have free interaction and balance for their proper function.

  • [k+] Introjection.

  • [k-] Repression.

  • [p+] Rational participation.

  • [p-] Unconscious projection.

The Ego is represented by the opposing ego disorers "schizophrene" in human inheritance and therefor coded [Sch] in the Szondi Psychogram. The like and dislike of [k] and [p] reagent photos, (The Szondi Test ensemble) permits 16 possible combinations. Each believed to represent a persons Ego situation at the time he takes the test. A large amount of study has been made demographic and clinical to give meaning to a person’s sometimes steady and sometimes changing Ego related choices. For example tests pf persons in a state of mental crisis was often found to have, [k± p±] that is a same time like and dislike in both arms of the [k] and [p] factors. While a person regressing in mental strivings begin to show Ego patterns characteristic of childhood, such as;[k0 p-] or [k+ p-]
You can take a free Szondi Test for your own self study. I you join our study group.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

This chart aims at explaining "Uni-tendancy".

Image 2

This chart aims at explaining "Uni-tendancy".

These are most useful for study because the exageraged strivings stand out clearly.

It is always represents a special drive type. One in which a tested person unconsciously avoids one factor- and at the same moment, makes a like (red) or dislike (blue)in its companion Szondi factor

Here, the avoidance factor is charted as one photo liked and one dislike. In some cases the avoid reaction is so strong, no choice at all fills in. A chice of 1 photo kind as like and 1 as dislike is for our logic process considered as 'avoidant' 'null' or 'open', the terms are interchangeable. When the open has a compaion factor of 2 or more of the SZ photos as the like or dislike, then a uni-tendancy exists, Because of the contrast generated they are useful for our study.

Avoidance choices are sometimes called 'null' or 'open' reactions. and coded [0] as in [h0 s+] in the Sexual sphere. [h0 s+ would be read as a unitendancy towards those strivings inherent in the Sadistic/agressive drive.

The open ones are believed to represent an unconscious loss of of 'genic' valence or drive type power and therfore represent a directional shift drive power to its innate companion factor, amplifing that the impulses defined as the like [+] or dislike [-] direction.

For example in the Contact/Object Vector: The well known Manic drives [m]is always registered relatively against the depressive drives [d]

This permits a coding that is readable and which permits a descriptive reading to be made as repesenting an unconscious made, self-description.(This projection aor self-decription is the very essence of both the experimental test and the theories built on it. The thoeries collectivly are called Fateanalysis. As over tme how a person's drives unfold determines the psychovancelogical adaptive fate he ends with. Thus criminology, sociology and various culture effects have relivance as well.It can be in the hands of specialists be useful for diagnosis and therapy.

In each of the four Heredity Spheres, called 'Vectors' there are four uni-tendancies possible, which means 16 uni-tendancies have to be learned in order to have the key organizer for study of its theory and to have worable alfabet to use to understand goals and outcomes of the impulses of humans.

Szondi Psychograms are the equivalent of a spectroscoptic view, Here is a type of suicidal pattern.

new This psychogram decribed by Hungarian vocational psychologist, F. Meri, it reflects a person poised on the verge of suicide. Not every suicidal person will show this profile, as there are several other paths to that fate. Nevertheless, it presents aspects of the suicidal desire in a spectrographic form.

(Ranked here by probable lack of satisfaction.)

[p] Ego/participation 30% =blocked, 4 or 5 choices set ambivalent [±]

[h]need/ Eros =40% [4+ choices] Bodily and social love failure.

[m] bond need 40% [4- choices] object bond pessimism/hopelessness prevails.

[s] aggressive need 20% [3+ choices] may turn to self-aggressive at some point.

[ e] 20% [2 + choices] May see killing of his self as a moral positive.

[d] 20% [2- choices] may desire to reunite with lost early attachments as fantasy.

[k] basic narcissistic ego [ 2 choice-] love of self and image diminishes and new introjection is not fully usable. May feel crushed by life and unable to cope with existing over pressures. When overpressures are lessened [k-] is useful for coping.

[hy] [1 choice 2.5%] the strivings of hysteria refer to a venting or acting out that is under way.
This percent method will be explained at the Szondi Test Study Group.