new This psychogram decribed by Hungarian vocational psychologist, F. Meri, it reflects a person poised on the verge of suicide. Not every suicidal person will show this profile, as there are several other paths to that fate. Nevertheless, it presents aspects of the suicidal desire in a spectrographic form.
(Ranked here by probable lack of satisfaction.)
[p] Ego/participation 30% =blocked, 4 or 5 choices set ambivalent [±]
[h]need/ Eros =40% [4+ choices] Bodily and social love failure.
[m] bond need 40% [4- choices] object bond pessimism/hopelessness prevails.
[s] aggressive need 20% [3+ choices] may turn to self-aggressive at some point.
[ e] 20% [2 + choices] May see killing of his self as a moral positive.
[d] 20% [2- choices] may desire to reunite with lost early attachments as fantasy.
[k] basic narcissistic ego [ 2 choice-] love of self and image diminishes and new introjection is not fully usable. May feel crushed by life and unable to cope with existing over pressures. When overpressures are lessened [k-] is useful for coping.
[hy] [1 choice 2.5%] the strivings of hysteria refer to a venting or acting out that is under way.
This percent method will be explained at the Szondi Test Study Group.
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