The constraints of the Szondi Test, filters out sixteen possible Ego's or Ego positions, if the Ego is conceived as largely built from the articulation of the two contrasting psychiatric strivings, 'schizophrene', Catatonia and Paranoia. Before you reject this notion, you need to see how well it works in practice.
"Fateanalytic psychology has expanded outward the boundaries of ego concepts further beyond the recognized circumstances of the Freudian double concept of "ego and superego" and beyond the Jungian terms "ego and self.""Ego-Analyse" (1956)(C)Hans Huber, Berne// L. Szondi
Comment: Szondi's Ego psychology long hidden in the German texts and any would be investigator was advised not to waste his time on anything so stupid as the Szondi Test and some of the Hungarian Professor's (some said) differebt id not peculiar theories. As one follows Szondi's logic and tests it himself, most who are willing to go that far will begin to see there is more than unbridled speculation and generalization. There is a logical schematic core. The finds of the experimental test built it theories and then the theories organized themselves into an array, with similarities to the early table of periodic elements introduced by the Russian researcher, Mendeleev, who's chart by analog located the chemical elements, in such a way that certain elements, although rare or transient chemical existence were predicable, and with later technology detected.
The Ego is represented by the opposing ego disorers "schizophrene" in human inheritance and therefor coded [Sch] in the Szondi Psychogram. The like and dislike of [k] and [p] reagent photos, (The Szondi Test ensemble) permits 16 possible combinations. Each believed to represent a persons Ego situation at the time he takes the test. A large amount of study has been made demographic and clinical to give meaning to a person’s sometimes steady and sometimes changing Ego related choices. For example tests pf persons in a state of mental crisis was often found to have, [k± p±] that is a same time like and dislike in both arms of the [k] and [p] factors. While a person regressing in mental strivings begin to show Ego patterns characteristic of childhood, such as;[k0 p-] or [k+ p-]
Contact:Fateanalysisguy@gmail.com |
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