Paraphrased student's efforts to understand the teachings of and commentary on Susan Deri, "Introduction to the Szondi Test" (c) Grune and Straton, NY. No claim of accuacy is to be implied, for that go to the original sources. The Contact/Cyclic Vector Originally the "C" designation of the 'Contact Vector' was intended to indicate the group of circular psychoses which in the terminology of European psychiatry comprises the manic-depressive manic and manic-depressive depressive forms of psychoses. {This precedes, overlaps and is different than the later DSM-IV label "Bipolar" } |
We start here seeking to grasp the 'meaning' of a test subject's linke and dislike of the reagent photos od clinical diagnosed manics [m] and depressices [d]. The assumption the reagent quality facial photos of serve as stimuli for an affinity reflecting a persons various impluses and strivings that relate to the psychiatric condition portrayed. The two factors of this vector, the [d] and the [m] are natural antagonists gene-set as belonging to gether. Psychoanalytic concepts-mainly those in regard to pregenital "component" impulses of anal and oral drives-were found useful when it came to stating what certain choices a subject makes reflects as a projection of his/her personality. when all the Vectors and "psychiatric named factors" are put through a prper sequence of "testing" (more later on "procedure" and "interpretation.") The theory is offered that the reactions to pictures of depressive patients are assumed to be related to those features of the personality which can be traced back to the specific way in which the subject has passed through the anal phase of psychosexual development. It's not necisary to force everyting into this model, but when certain settings are discussed the value of the theory will demonstrate itself. |
The depressive named [d] factor. the strivings, needs and potential for behavour it can represent. "Anal" characteristics refer mostly to certain types of the individual's object-relationships: that is, to his attitudes toward the objects of his environment. Possessiveness, orderliness, pedantry, parsimony are among the most frequently listed anal character traits. Also the person's reaction to the loss of a libidinously cathected object as the varous models prefered to bond or not to bond in attactment relations. As we go we will attempt to establish a hypothesis which relates this whole group of traits to the reaction of liking or disliking photographic portraits of depressive patients as being a projective event, supportable from known data. Psychoanalyst's argue that mother child bonds are radically changed in toilet training and the demands forced on them, associated with gaining control at the cost of no longer having the same relationship to the mothering ones in its life, anger frustations after time is repressed but still influence attachment styles later in life. The later events may reappear more depressed (and more anal)or manic (and more oral in types) when certain life situations occur. The situations themselves often being created by these early preferences existing since hild hood. At the time the oral implulses devep and pleasure traits are moremay or may be easaly satisfied as the child is weaned from the brest or bottle to other foods and loss of early total possession of the lmother/love imago.
For didactic reason we link depression to early losses and feeling of abandomment, and manic states, to optimism, happiness, eating, drinking. smoking and potenntial happy or unhappy attachment style types.
According to this interpretation, the [d] portraits in the Szondi test reflect this tight, worrying attachment to objects, a reaction formation to the trauma of the loss of the "primary" object of libido in early childhood as described by Freud.
Nevertheless a genetic substrata is assumed to exist in various degrees that accounts for clinical level depression and potentially reinforced by the acquired trait characteristics, preferences and needs of individuals. Certain Szondi Profile settings when examined, should make the role of the specific drives clear.
It is Taking this [d] [m] as if a dance of different natures together one may assume they are inately related. Thus if Dr. Szondi is correct, the liking ans disliking or avoiding of the reagent photo when correctly processed, by a form of psychologicsll projrction, filters out through this projected affinity the realative streinghs, (accross a whole profile not a single Vector as we focus on now for teachinf purposes) and when the correct intrepidity procedure is followed) |
The choice of the [d] affinities possible are [d+] [d-] [d =/-] [d0], each putting a different spin or ntrepative meaning as strivings belonging to the [d] factors shift their influencing power. In terms of the strivings, traits and needs they may represent. The stivings is a deliberately vague term, but in essence tat are all the characteristics of, if appearing in an exaggerated form would be more or less the same as one suffering clinically depressed. This same logic will apply to all eight SZ factors,for which reagent photos named after what Szondi believed were gene passed "psychiatric conditions". |
[d+] A like affinity reaction [d+] in the [d] factor logically, is indication that the subject identifies himself with depressive strivings characteristics, whenexisting in a persistent and intense form. It is not a itmus test for clinical depression because varios subclinical and normal, equivalent, and compensating adjustment may occur. Also the relative strengths of the total profile other Vectors influence both symptomes and types of compensations as part of larger whole. [d+] is a frequent choice on the ordinary person. Interestingly the many features of the individual's object-relationships needs and preferences can be interpreted on the basis of a [d+] reaction: for example, there is a strong need for real thing, persons as concrete touchable objects are highly valued, and there is a general interest in outside reality as the source of all material and valued things. ([d-] coming next moves these strivings and needs to the opposite pole, with [d-] with other strivings asserting. Howerver don't jump to the conclusion that this is a litmus test for DSM IV bipolar disorder, as to reaching that label a number of dynamic changes would also have to be demonstrated. ) This trait of realistic, externalized interest with its high value attached to real objects, may accompanies a tendency actively to manipulate and pursue objects, which follows ae close link between the [s+] (directly aggressive or factor [s-] indirectly aggressive-even masochistic ) and thus modifyind the [d+] characteristics. or the other direction the [d] strivings modifying the [s] settings. This "two way street thinking" may seem confusing but is necessary to the understanding the Szondian ''drive-impulse" system workings. From the point of view of the correlation between the [s+] and the [d+] reactions in the test findings, it is useful to point out that both the [d+] and [s+] sadistic impulses imply tendencies to active, forceful, manipulative strivings. Actually these traits are quite typically show up in the behavioral history of [d+] and [s+] subjects in their Szondi Test profiles. |
The [d-] affinity, should not be quickly seen as being a mirror or flip side of the [d+]. Although many aspects of the same strivings, traits and needs represented appear to swap roles. As later, we will look at the profile settings in series of ten samplings, that the Szondi Test filters out very strong dynamic oppositions, or contrasts even a beeter fit as reprsenting an re-alignments across the subject's entire eight facor base that meets the DSM IV definition of bipolar 1, personality. [d+] affinity from psychoanaltic explanation are often those, who emotionally, if not psychically severed their attachment to their mother or mother substitute, love/hate relationship as explanation for their related adult occurring relationship attachment styles and difficulties. While that may be difficult to prove, it is one explanation and the other one offered is, a gene passes hereditary set choice outcome. It has been found that SZ reagent photos of depressive patients are disliked by subjects who do not identify themselves with the desire for material things, often overvalued and also a aggressive new object relationships desire and potentially the anal-sadistic infantile acting out that often shows in clinical bipolar patients. where loaded [d+!! m-!!] settings when they are overloaded with the affinity aspect. One has to turn around the striving traits and needs of [d+] to grasp the thrust of [d-] The [d-] if seen from the point of view of Freudian psychoanalysis the developing child here clings to his early love object model, thus is called an incestuous type desire. (With little if any connection to any actual incest issues.) When the [d-] affinity stays dominant [d-] subjects may hang on to there emotional mother love objects even after physical separation, and adult repacments have been found as the appear to seek and replicate an attachment style modeled on the early one, often adhesive, loyal, self sacrificing. However, for the [d-] affity subject prefers, perhaps both consciously and subconsciously tight and private relationships (regardless of what he/she might say or disguise the situation,) It is, as if, the attachment to the primary object has not been surrendered, as the the [d-] affinity individual generally at the same time depreciates the other 'real world' material objects. This may unfold with smoothness and forms adaptable or not depending on the final results in a particular subjects life. Subjects in this [d-] as a strong and ongoing affinity are likely to be extremely loyal to the their later love objects, friends and beliefs. They stick to their love objects disregarding the realistic possibilities of whether or not it over time, will put them into a masochistic or other unhappy form of existence. This attitude makes them generally more idealistic and less practical than individuals with other various, [d] affinities. Psychoanalysts see this fixation to old objects and thinking relates to them not being able or willing to invest their "libido" in new objects. They could also be characterized as generally stubborn, passive resistors in many aspects of their lives. They may short term by "will power" to drve themselves to act otherwise, when it's needed. The correlation between [d-] and the spin caused by the factor [s+], [s-]or [s +/-] always needs to be considered, as the affinity [s+] can lead to anger, destructive desires and restlessness that modifies the implications we attriute to the [d] strivings and [s-] for example, may move the individual to conflicting gender issues and reinforce self-sacrificing, masochistic forms of adjustment. . [s] manifestations, may shift affinity independently of the [d] affinities and vise versa and confuse both the subject and those close to him with the resulting inconsistencies. [d] affinities may also serve as sprngboard to create in certain subjects, inclinations to physical passivity, often associated with clinical depression. Also a preference to seek -in fantasy an vicarious but passive satisfactions through reading, movies, romance novels, or pornography as well as some parallels to their own sexual fantasies. |
[d+/-] Inherent on the affinity of opposite choices with the inplication of a coexistance of oppsoed set strivings takes any would be, interpreter to the limits of conventional language to describe that adiquately. But is existence of such conflictual handling of the inherent strivings, as somehow coexsting at the same moment in time, if the results of Szondi's experimental test can be assumed to reflect are a fact, and a representation of a fundamental psychological functions universally present in everyone. Szondi saw the [+/-] and the [o] both, as representing a symptomatic area of psuchological function, with both normal and potentially undesirable outcomes. Since ir takes at least two photos to be liked and same time two to be disliked pl reactions are by definition always a loaded reactions, they reflect tension in the particular SZ factor in which they occur. [d+/-] affinity indicates a level of tension sufficiently strong as to be (in most subjects) as subjectively experienced. In respect to [d+/-] experience lef to the empirical conclusion the for the subject represented conflictual set strivings in the area of that person's object relationship. The enmpirect went along the though that; there is ambivalence in regard to looking for more and new objects[d+] prong or to clinging to the old ones [d-] prong. Therefor the [d+/-] subject's object relationship srtrivings are an important problem for him. Often [d+/-] persons may prsent observable signs to others in their environment, such as sayinf they are getting depressed over some issue, or dwells on some discord present or past that is relationship related. Some, In spite of their great need for intensive attachment and loyalty to one person [d-] prong; they may same time, or after a time start acting out the [d+] prong bu "somehow finding" themselves getting involved in new relationships which might thwart the continuation of relationships they have established. Many as a result of the tenson this causes feel insecure in regard to the permanence of any of their object-relations. Some outshift their own desires in this, ambivalence on to their mate as to generate jealousy issues. Often [d+/- ] affinities leads to behavioral ambivalencs, with such fluctuating traits as generosity with money in some matters and stinginess in others; exaggeration in self-esteem coupled to feelings of inferiority; inconsistent idealism and materialism; self will and defiance coupled to compliance and conformity, and concurrent desires for privacy and same time association with large groups. Some make constant plans to start something new: to move to a new place, to seek a new career, someimes as a hint the underlieing issue is that personal relationship is becoming too painful or disappointing. Thus the [d+/-] affinity, if persistent, gives a certain inhibitions to the personality which handicaps easy locomotion in the life-space. |
d0] [d0] Affinity missing all directional prongs, the [d0] at first it may be some confusing that in making the like and dislike choices a result occurs as arult of the constraints of the SZ test ensemble, that when charted in to the profile grid it is fillled in, an appearent factor or even several factors appear to be totally empty, a single choice or one choice like and one choice dislke, thus a result suggesting the strivings belonging to that fact. or is a factor somehow avoided or missing, its affinities and power to assert the avoided strivings belonging to that SZ factor in the subject's life However, it was discovered this this result does have functional aspects of it own, as importantly it appears to shift its strivings or some sort of authority to whatever SZ factor affinities, that it is paired with. Also depending on contitutional or homonal body issues, it can represent as an open the SZ factor and its strivings, being ai a low force biologically, or recently acted on behaviorally called 'spent' or by some symptom, called "drained". This along with ambivalent [+/-] affinities the open [0] (avoiding affinity) are considered 'symptomatic', and play a key role in the useful statistical method of the Szondi Test, apparently preferred by Dr. Szondi, himself, over the 'free style interpretation method' suggested, by his astute student and co-worker Susan Deri. The [d] choices, (except [d0]) offers an empiric logic goes along the conception, that the [d] choices affinities indicates tedencies those strivings that exist within it, that relate to the subject's area of object-relationships; most often, those related to avoiding the problem of whether to hold on to old objects or to search for new ones. The [d0] more or less lets the [m] choice decide the inclination, and when both [d0m0] occurs, a not a sincere readyness to commit to a relationship solutions, although, a strong activity in object relations explorations may be actively going on. As is well known is moderated through the striengt and persistence of the sexual strivings. Which we will acknowledge but deal with in detail in a separate cmmentary on the SZ (S Vector) Sex/Gender Affinities/Strivings. Importantly the [d0] affinity mean the usefulness of relationships is not ignored, in fact they seek the feeings of closeness, trust and security that are missing and they are probably active in seeking not the relationship object. particularly when pared [d0 m+] or {d0 m+/-} When with [m-] hopelessness over satisfying the type of strivings in subject's object relationship may turn to rage and reaction formation as one potentially entering the hypomanic syndrome. In common with 'open' reactions, in other factor settings [d0] is the most difficult to characterize in terms of being any obvious strivings, traits or needs or as well, the end result of in some from of behavior because of the variety of ways in which the strivings of the opposing factor (here various [m] settings) are dominant and obvious. A SZ factor 'silence' may in therapy work, be of equal importance, as the the noisy ones. The [d0] persistent subject himself usually does not make any particular effort to secure a certain object, but is inclined, rather, to connect to those objects which are easily available. In contrast to the "often 'picky' object search of [d+/-] SZ reaction, [d0] may have an easy-going quality because the person does not feel the need to accumulate material objects or make much effort to keep the object under control. This attitude may or may not extend to personal mate choices In certain cases this type of object relationship can be characterized as apathetic rather than easy-going. It might be found after the actual loss of a real object, in which case it reflects a lack of concern and an indifference in regard to objects in general. [d0] as a sign of ''masked" or 'hidden' depression, that a person more or less adjusted to life, has occupational skills, a model family can for no apparent reason develop anxiety, phobias, and psychosomatic illnesses has long puzzled the experts. Recently, the terms of equivalent or masked from of other psychiatric labels have been offered as a way to make science of the issue. While not claiming every SZ 'open' to support that in every case, the equivalent or masked forms of a psychiatric condition exists, only that the consideration should be part of serious investigation considerations. Thus, if in the rest of the person's SZ profile shows regular occurring configuration [d0], and with only one or no photo choices at all it might suggest the possibility of an hidden, equivalent, subclinical or latent, state of depression. However, the suggestion of clinical depression needs to be cautiously made and as being tangential to other know issues any [do] type subclinical depressio, is different from the tense and anxious worrying depression characteristic for the us [d+!] when found in its loaded and persistent affinity choices. One would also in the subject's psychiatric interview need to find supporting evidence for offeringthis label, such as marked boredom, decirnable loss of interest on previously valued things, loss of libido. Any blind interpretations lacking a far ranging psychiatric interview basis should avoid suggesting equivalents as a label as it is too easy to be wrong or right with no evidence to support the implication. That does not mean one as part of his analytic work should ignore the possibility of subclinical or even noral forms of what otherwise would be a disorder. The psychoanalytiv view is the various depression results repsent the reappearance of separration reactions occurring in early childhood, the efforts made to cope and conditioned by subsequent relationship modifications. |
The plus [m+] affinity and the strivings, traits. needs that might be indicated. If our subject resonates a like choice to the SZ reagent photos it is empirical assumed the strivings belonging to the [m} manic psychiatric type are more accepted and followed than if he make the dislike choice. With this [m+] choice an important point to keep in mind is our modern social structure offers multiple forms of oral type satisfactions and interweaves these continually in ones everyday life. The mood upbeat, talkative, optimistic and flexible is highly valued and we all feel that should be a desired thing to keep going. By contrast the dislike affinity, seems mood down, unpleasent, pessimistic and rarely encuraged by society. The strivings, that like affinity [m+] carry it can be assumed that greater the number of like (or dislike) choices some how parallel these intensity of strivings, roughly ( SZ test is not claimed to be perfect) to the same degree that exists within his personality at that moment in tim. One can offer many opinions why that's not scientifically provable, but as Szondi once replied--don't reject my ideas, until you see for yourself, how well they work.." As with all of Sz Reagent photos, the [m] is no exception, once the strivings, traits and needs of the manic psychiatric condition are known it becomes clear that the affinity choices reflect thse same strivings but in different or modified forms and inclinations, and usually understandable as normal and subclinical aspects resembling but not crossing over to the psychiatric manic nature, bur more oftet a within normal accommodation. As discussed here Cyclic Vector Settings, are artificially separating the [m] SZ factor for study. The other SZ factors, [h][s]/[e][hy]/[k][p]/(and here [d][m] ....serve to filter out by the use of SZ Test Ensemble and procedures, will fall into place as being a schematic of the test subject's personality. The [d+] like affity is in Szond's teachings also a projected identification with the [m] strivings some part of which we may see as a "need" for external objects for the sake of what are basically 'socialized' forms of "oral" gratification. (Eating, drinking, talking as socialization needs.) [m+] affinity also reftects key elements of a subject's relationship bonding style and preferences. As here, in the [m] strivings existing, as to perhaps to balance the often decisive separating and even antisocial ones potentially existing on the [d] factor, related to the, so called ana'-sadistic strvings as another contrast we include the recognition, the [m] factor caries strivings called incestous, which have loyaty, continsomisins as both a socializing and civilizing tendency. Again don't jump to conconclusons about negative aberrations or anti-socal results until you understand the other Vectors, the SZ factors and how they inflence each other. The other SZ factors when filtered out can give you the tools to estimate the primitivity or social limitations of this [m+] affinity in a specific instancec. Anxiety may appear with any threat to one's basic strinvings or needs, the [m] strivings offers a useful expample to demonThe plus [m+] affinity and the strivings, traits. needs that might be indicated. If our subject resonates a like choice to the SZ reagent photos it is empirical assumed the strivings belonging to the [m} manic psychiatric type are more accepted and fo;;owed than if he make the dislike choice. With this [m+] choice an important point to keep in mind is our modern social structure offers multiple forms of oral type satisfactions and interweaves these continually in ones everyday life. The mood upbeat, talkative, optimistic and flexible is highly valued and we all feel that should be a desired thing to keep going. By contrast the dislike affinity, seems mood down, unpleasent, pessimistic and rarely encuraged by society. The strivings, that like affinity [m+] carry it can be assumed that greater the number of like (or dislike) choices some how parallel these intensity of strivings, roughly ( SZ test is not claimed to be perfect) to the same degree that exists within his personality at that moment in tim. One can offer many opinions why that's not scientifically provable, but as Szondi once replied--don't reject my ideas, until you see for yourself, how well they work.." As with all of Sz Reagent photos, the [m] is no exception, once the strivings, traits and needs of the manic psychiatric condition are known it becomes clear that the affinity choices reflect thse same strivings but in different or modified forms and inclinations, and usually understandable as normal and subclinical aspects resembling but not crossing over to the psychiatric manic nature, bur more oftet a within normal accommodation. As discussed here Cyclic Vector Settings, are artificially separating the [m] SZ factor for study. The other SZ factors, [h][s]/[e][hy]/[k][p]/(and here the [m] serve to filter out by the use of SZ Test Ensemble and procedures, will when you get some more findings, fall into place as being a schematic of the test subject's personality. The [d+] 'like' affinity is, in Szond's teachings, also a projected identification with the [m] strivings with some part of which we may see as a "need" for external objects for the sake of what are basically 'socialized' forms of "oral" gratification. (Eating, drinking, talking as socialization needs.) [m+] affinity also reftects key elements of a subject's relationship bonding style and preferences. As in the larger [m] strivings there are existing, also contraries as to perhaps to balance the often decisive separating and even antisocial ones potentially existing on the [d] factor, related to the, so called 'anal-sadistic strvings' as another contrast we include the recognition, the [m] factor caries strivings called 'incestous', which have loyaty, and and bning as both a socializing and civilizing tendency. Again don't jusp to conconcluing about negative aberrations or anti-socal results until you understand the other Vectors, the SZ factors and how the SZ factors inflence each other. The other SZ factors when filered out can give you the tools to estimate the primitivity or social limitations of this [m+] affinity in a specific instance. The anxiety generated by any threats to a person's attachments can be so foreground that the attachment issues causative to the anxiety may be overlooked. Susan Deri says }" This state.. ([m+] affinity) is indicated on the test by two to three plus m's. Accordingly, plus m is rather a counter-indication for antisocial behavior. This is probably the only constellation among all the eight factors in any position about which I dare to make such a categorical statement: well-adjusted adults who are able to form and maintain satisfactory social relations, are expected to give plus m. Well-adjusted, that is, in the sense that they themselves feel content and have found their place in society as well as within a smaller ingroup of people, such as family or close friends. This specification is needed because-as will be seen later-one does find highly sublimating and socially valuable individuals with other than plus m constellations; however, in those individuals the subjective feeling of contentedness and the ability to derive pleasure from close interpersonal relationships are missing. Plus m is generally found in adults of the professional groups and is also the most usual m constellation in artistic sublimation achieved by writers, painters, sculptors, musicians, or those who form the appreciative public for any artistic production or creation. These findings bear out the psychoanalytic theory which considers artistic sublimation, creation as well as intensive enjoyment, a successful sublimation of the oral component drive of sexuality; successful, first of all, since it is a socially positive channelization, and successful from the subjective point of view since the clinging to artistic or intellectual values is safer than the clinging to particular individuals whom one can lose in reality. The latter interpretation of plus m is usually correlated with minus h and minus s and a general plus tendency in the Sch vector. Plus m is infrequent in serious forms of pathology. It can be found in neurotic disturbances more frequaintly than in psychotic disturbances or than in any form of antisocial behavior. The connection between strong plus m and anxiety been mentioned above. Its highest frequency is found in hypochondriac anxiety and in adult stuttering. It is also frequent in homosexuals, perhaps supporting the relationship of homosexuality to fixation at the oral level of psychosexual strat that. The anxiety generated by any threats to a person's attachments can be so foreground that the attachment issues causative to the anxiety may be overlooked. Susan Deri says }" This state.. ([m+] affinity) is indicated on the test by two to three plus m's. Accordingly, plus m is rather a counter-indication for antisocial behavior. This is probably the only constellation among all the eight factors in any position about which I dare to make such a categorical statement: well-adjusted adults who are able to form and maintain satisfactory social relations, are expected to give plus m. Well-adjusted, that is, in the sense that they themselves feel content and have found their place in society as well as within a smaller ingroup of people, such as family or close friends. This specification is needed because-as will be seen later-one does find highly sublimating and socially valuable individuals with other than plus m constellations; however, in those individuals the subjective feeling of contentedness and the ability to derive pleasure from close interpersonal relationships are missing. Plus m is generally found in adults of the professional groups and is also the most usual m constellation in artistic sublimation achieved by writers, painters, sculptors, musicians, or those who form the appreciative public for any artistic production or creation. These findings bear out the psychoanalytic theory which considers artistic sublimation, creation as well as intensive enjoyment, a successful sublimation of the oral component drive of sexuality; successful, first of all, since it is a socially positive channelization, and successful from the subjective point of view since the clinging to artistic or intellectual values is safer than the clinging to particular individuals whom one can lose in reality. The latter interpretation of plus m is usually correlated with minus h and minus s and a general plus tendency in the Sch vector. Plus m is infrequent in serious forms of pathology. It can be found in neurotic disturbances more frequaintly than in psychotic disturbances or than in any form of antisocial behavior. The connection between strong plus m and anxiety been mentioned above. Its highest frequency is found in hypochondriac anxiety and in adult stuttering. It is also frequent in homosexuals, perhaps supporting the relationship of homosexuality to fixation at the oral level of psychosexual [development.] |
[m-] Affinity and Strivings. [m-] affinity person's generally dislike revealing their (often full of glaring self-deceptions) fantasy world and don't believe psychological therapy will help them anyway. Most who do come for therapy do so only after some serious breach of social or legal standards have been breached. While the acting out hypnomanic's grab our attention forcefully, there ar others [m-] and [m+/-] who are the ones who seem so over controlled and adjusted they resemble the Stoic's of ancient times and show a high frustration tolerance for realistic disappointments in life, since they never allow themselves consciously to expect much from life in the first place. The frustration tolerance of [m+] individuals is considerably less, but is not so likely to go beyond reasonable proportioned responses to an issue, These [m-] potential strivings and modes of reaction often carry confusing contradictions with them, which under the influence of stress, alcohol and drugs. can grow even more confused and may force the interpreter to consider that some, masochistic hidden function must co-exist as being a pleasure in suffering or feeling of satisfaction in keeping ongoing the very moods, relationship stresses, and issues that make their lives miserable. |
Affinity [m+/-] The plus-minus [m] affinity on the [m] factor expresses the subject's strivings are engaged in polar set ambivalences, in moods, traits of optomistism cycling to pessimism offen, trust to distrust, doubts to beliefs. Often in such rapid cycling phases all they can think about deald with need to cling or diconnect from the troublesome relationship (wether real or projected.) Characteristically they talk anxiously about fearing the separation possibility, loneliness and lack of material support and starting in a new relationship. Because of this ambivalence, its shifting moods, the anxiety and depression generated, it reflects an agonizing level of crisis in the persons object-relationship bonds.. An exception might be when the relationships went bad long before or were never good, and seem no longer connected as causations. The symptoms, cyclic moods, anxiety, attention defict, hypochondria, disssatifaction and suicidal thought and sometime suicicidal attemps. These near aberrations are to be assumed to be activated from the powerful strivings belonging to the Contact/Cyclic Vector (If reinforced with [s+] sadistic and [e-] Cain-like, strivings, a potential for violence should be assumed to exist.) Paradoxically, according to Susan Deri, the double ambivalence choice [d+/-][m+/-] may be also subjectively painful and present, much the same relationship, mood, and symptom issues. The setting [d+/-]m+/-] was by Dr. Szondi, called, "Contact dilemma"). This observation was explained being less troublesome than, [d0m+/-] as do to their being more solutions available to the subject and that it is transitional, thus more or less deciding itself by some unknown inner preferences. Later when the Sex/Gender Vector is examined we need to return to a clearly recognizable role that the strivings of the [m] factor also plays in gender role and choice of sexual love mates, hetrosexual, homosexual and bisexual affinities. Interestingly, the affinty [m+/-] Susan Deri reports occurs most frequently in small children, 3 to 4 years of age, (the earliest age we can do this SZ experimental testing) and again in old age, beyond eighty years. Also to note that, in all the age groups between these two extremes, affinity [m+/-] is the least frequent of all the four possible positions in the [m] factor. One would expect a relationship counselor would see it more often. |
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[m0] Affinity. or "Open m" as i is conveneent to call it. represents the [m] factor strivings, larely 'oral' type inclinations, eating, drinking, talking, often interwoven with the multitude of activities that society offers, in response to the related needs. It may under some pressing circumstances shift its influences to the Vector "Sexual/Gender" as, desires for kissing, symbolic eating play, sexual perversions. And vice versa, the sexual/Gender Vector strivings may be the driving force behind, mood strivngs, depressive and manic, cyclical in coming and going and sametime distorting the attachment issues. The [m0] affinity, also may be seen as representing, a low concern or recent satisfaction of the various oral socializations, at time preceding the test sample and one has to wait for subsequent SZ profiles or actual behaviour events to see a pattern as to what other affinities may assert themselves. [m0] may also represent an aversion to living in a 'sticky/tight' closeness. An sone cases the seeking of sex functions, alchohol or drug intoxication; often combined. as a self treatment for the mood symptoms, boredom. or malaise that he/she may find unpleasant. Persistent [d] or [m] SZ factors, open or ambivalent reactions are closely associated with addictive inclined persons. [my unsupported finding] Most [m0] affinty person still value material things and personal relationships bur dislike being tied dow, preferring effortless relationships. The [m0] affinity (if persitent) implies the indulgence addictive to near ly addctive to some [m] type or Sex/Gender Vector strivings that involve the person's h actual body or its processes, such as anorexia, overeating, drinking, excessive talking and hypochonria. (my unsupported observation)-- "things that are a mania of the mouth", some cases as forms of provocative, repetitive, argumentative behaviours. The psychoanalysts, may see the symptomatic part of this (if a persistent symptom) as being a fixation at the oral component of sexuality, thus the person cannot completely make the move to a adult adjusted model of relationship, where a pleasant exchange of needs and satifactons would occur. While a [m0] affinity persists, not everything a person thinks, or does, is to be seen as an infantile traits, as other SZ Vectors may offer compensations, keeping him or her being only a suffering normal or neurotic inclined person. The absence of those compensations, may suggest that some clinical label and other exploatory studes need is called for. Telling people to grow up is not going to work. According to, Susan Deri, the socially positive forms of solutions, [m0] can be found rather frequently in writers, actors, public speakers. Deri goes on to make the interesting observatiom "... Thus, it is found in cases of sexual immaturity and in those who have a tendency for oral perversion, in certain types of unstable "acting out" psychopaths, and frequently in those cases of anxiety hysteria in which anxiety manifests itself in fear of disability to enjoy the world fully enough. Belonging to this group are the gamblers, avid nightclub goers or, in general, all those individuals who feel uncomfortable unless every free minute is filled with plans promising enjoyment. " "....Among the various age groups, the highest frequency of [m0] is found in puberty and between forty and sixty years of age. |
Work under contruction. Editing not final. 4-1-12 5 PM A "complete Impulse" and its sometimes antagonistic strivings can graphicly concieved as the two Factors, side by side, in this Vector. "C/Cyclic" it is of course, in Szondi's view those strivings inherent to the names |
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