Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Demonstration of Szondi's Ego System Continued.


 To complete the demonstration as to the
difference  that just a change or the [p+] sign to [p-] the egovector settings just look at the change in striving that [k± p-] is inherent when that is the case.

  The setting [k± -] is the restless, variable ego sometimes paroxysmal, embedded in it are the ego possibilities:

      1. [k+ p-] (=an adult ego representing the narcissism and omnipotence.)    

  2. [k- p-] (=the drill ego, the repressed
average man's ego.)    

 3. [k±] (=both, introjection and repression.)

 4. [p-] (=unconscious projecting
of needs, fears and desires.)


At this point you may wish to object this is
getting more complex than you expected, regrettably, you would be correct. In fact if we shifted our demonstration to the [p±] and the [k+] and then [k-] as the opposed, a new series of differently directed strivings would emerge. We may do this demonstration in later in 
posts dealing with case  specific instances.


But for now, the point to be driven
home is; there is a natural order, we can filter it out, set
in terms of strivings. The strivings are identifiable by their special
characteristics which are those belonging to the psychiatric factor
from which it takes its name. For the ego, Szondi coded it
'Sch'.  Its functions are understandable from the
projected  unconscious, like and dislike of catatonia and
paranoid genotype photos.    



The Ego of many psychologists, teachers and other work-a-holics.

the standpoint of teaching the Szondi Test and making it relivant to the
probable reader here  it seems useful to examine the Ego
common to mind workers of all types psychologists, teachers etc.
the unfolding of
stage VI [k- p+] one cannot from the test findings alone demonstrate
the implied claims for the existence of some other regular age related
order beyond the stages stated by Susan Deri (SZ Intro’1949). 
 This new setting represented by the
reappearance of narcissistic/Inrojective striving, [k+], but now as
part of an ambivalent choice [k±], and when set against [p+]
works one way and when set against a [p-] works markedly different.

was found that the choice [k±p+] was more frequent with those work
addicted and those entering the psychology curriculum.  There
also other ego settings found most of which were those embedded within
the [k± p+] setting, such as:

  1.  [k-
    p+](=the compulsive ego), 
  2. [k+p+] (=the flooded
    endangered ego)
  3. [k±] (= both;  introjection and repression )
  4. [p+] (=rational
    obcessive strivings )

seems to suggest that the reappearance of a [k+] prong, (missing for
most since early childhood), thus forming a [k±]  was
to the person moving toward an adult stance, with new introjections now
directed to the selections  of  love mate choice, new
friendships, occupational choice.

This finding seemed also
useful as demonstration  element, in that, this new setting
represented by the reappearance of narcissistic/Inrojective striving,
[k+], but now
as part of an ambivalent choice [k±], and when set against
works one way and when set against a [p-] works markedly different. [k±
p-] Szondi had characterized as the 'paroxysmal ego' because of its
 sometimes connection to crimes of passion, a better
term might have been 'volatile ego' and has been found psychologists
and others with an  inclination to philosophic views.

The remarkable difference tells us of the powerful nature inherent in
the [p] paranoia factor and its outcome strivings.

some, (not all) the [k+] appears in puberty and grows markedly more
common in adolescence, reaching its peak, we estimate, [lacking good
data] in one out of five college attending young adults. Your editor’s
impression is, that this also represents what appears to be an
intentional, thus ‘will made’ shift to seeking new introjections and
fresh identifications.

This also corresponds to our knowledge of  [k+] clinical

is not to say that those not making a [k+] choices and stay [k-]
dominant, do not also introject important new ego-ideals and
internalized models, it is to say, that they do so on the bases of
largely unconsciously made accommodations and acquiescence to what is
directly available. Which is another way of phrasing ‘not will made”
and therefor what it is they introjected and maintain is mostly build
from the external demands and conditioning imposed on

This is an issue, which one usually associates with the
transition to adult stance and the new responsibilities that are

Noteworthy is, that those seeking a professional or
college enhanced education advance more efficiently when they introject
volitionally, new admired personal models, friends, teachers, leaders,
subject matter etc. As the introjected image serves in turn to direct
them to imitate and try to be their accepted role models.