Our definition of the Ego for the infant is the developed awareness of the difference between one self and others. as infancy changes into childhood, along with all the features of growth, metabolic, neurological, hormonal, there is evidence of some awareness of fundamental needs and a searching to satisfy them. This is the basis for the belief there is an early 'pre verbal' or 'primitive' Ego
Within a few months perhaps as the developing brain readies for later developments of thinking and language (the later) unique to mankind. A system of impulse handing also develops concurrently. This early Ego appears to expand its controlling and adapting powers exponentially as language and basic thinking skills are acquired. At the same time the first 'primary' relations to significant others. partially remain and are not automatically over thrown and are carried over into the sequential development stages.
To set these unfolding stages into perspective for us Susan Deri translated the Szondi Test signs belonging to the Ego sphere (Sch) and putting aside the issues belonging to the three Szondi Vectors Sexual (S), Paroxysmal/Affect (P) and Contact/Mood (C). These three Vectors of course generate the needs and strivings a particular Ego setting has to handle. Different Ego patterns have different modes of doing their moderation work, Later in clinical examples our experimental test findings will reflect the fact that an adult under sufficient pressure or stress may regress to the use of Ego patterns belonging to his childhood.
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