2011 YEAR THE EGO WAS REVUED, in Szondi's composed of the articulation of Catatonic and Paranoid ancestor set impulse strivings. Both 'Schizophrene' in exaggerated forms, thus coded "Sch"
I expect to rewrite this sections after I cover the other Vectors. Sexual/Gender, Paroxysmal/Emotional.
For the purpose of study, this table is useful as a reference, Far more useful and interesting is the Ego development (as [k] and [p] choices, generated by tested individuala) as demonstrated within the contraints of the experimental test. {All prospective tests have constraints that need be recognized. A point easy to overlook.} These fndins thenpermit a visualization of the relative intensities of the drives that he test material seeks to measure, however in a schematic form, from which a experimentor may use to create his intrepretation of what he believes the results represents. To due this he must be aware of what similar results where associated with in other individuals and their normal or clinical history. The generalizations that are offered here are for that purpose, but are all so useful as psychological terms in themselves useful for any student of psychology, mental health, social work, education or related human behavior studies.
The Ego (Self) of Leopold Szondi (MD, Hungarian,(later Swiss) World War I physician, university professor, Hungarian government education specialist, genealogist, endocrinologist and psychoanalyst. Inventor, The Szondi Test (At first, called "Genic affinity experimental test.")
The various Ego positions:
They unfold from infancy to old age. This in respect to the Ego Vector here. Later you will each of a person's also exert their strivings at the same moment in time. The larger system is to be understood for it's parts, which may be confusing at first, but should be rewarding to explore for students of human nature.

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