Saturday, July 6, 2013

Szondi Test Study Group Item OO3

Some consideration are in order as you start to explore  and study the Szondi Test and seek to understand its doctrine. The doctrine being in a practical sense, more important than the test applications. Just imagine, if the DSM manual had been written as inventories of traits, behaviors and symptoms ,organized on the eight hereditary factors selected by Dr. Szondi and their particular impulse generations instead of the terms of identifiable consistent labeling that is anattempts to provide and use today as the official psychology vocabulary.

 Further the mapping of the human genome, also has renewed interest in the Szondi  theory of gene heredity prototypes as creating a person's inclinations, traits and which potentially influence various choice made outcomes. And in  some cases when the heredity is strong, the very same psychiatric  conditions that Dr. Szondi used in his genealogical research and his invention "The Szondi Test." can be shown to exist in a person's further back in history gene ancestors.

The question may never be fully answerable but still worth trying to answer for each of us in our own way to try to some answers,--is 'How much of our mind work,  mood, behaviors and symptoms are outcome results of inheritance are passed on to using the from of drive-needs buried inside of ourselves?

While the test itself is the main tool one uses to expose, demonstrate and grasp the Szondi doctrine its use as presented here has the goal to facilitate learning the doctrine with the aim of demonstrating some aspects of this an alternate way of understanding the various human impulse outcomes, that seem deeply hidden under the many cultural pressures and the many rationalizations we ourselves, make.

 You, as an inquiring person, will in all probability, wish to try Szondi testing on your self and perhaps others in your circle of acquaintances. As a student of the system you may do so, but with certann cautions, along the direction of keeping such activities  unobtrusive and not claiming it to be other than your research project, with the declaimer that the activity is experimental and a study work, and its usefulness for discussion lies in its unique concepts.

cursory remarks as to tension levels or; Factor settings may be offered, and is most useful when the subject is a fellow Szondi Test student or yourself. 

ou will mostly likely discover most people you approach to take the test will derive some satisfaction from their curiosity to see the images of alleged mental disorder types and are happy to provide some personal and family history as long as it does not get  too intrusive.

As the time passes the test results found, began to shape and expand the test theories. In this way it offered insights useful in assisting teachers, vocational counselors, employment recruiters, criminal profilers in addition to those in the various mental health and therapy professions. Lastly never claim a 'psychiatric diagnosis' 
unless you are legally licensed to do so, and have other supporting findings justifying your conclusions.

The t est is usually interesting enough mostto potential test subjects will be willing to go along just to see the f  woareee the Szondi Test photos. Should they refuse you need to be gracious,  respect their decision and thank them for their interest and move on to finding to some other subjects.

 likely discover most people you approach to take the test will derive some satisfaction from their curiosity to see the images of alleged mental disorder types and are happy to provide some personal and family history as long as it does not get  too intrusive.

Most people you may ask to take the test will be interested enough to see the Szondi Test photos  and will be willing to take a shot at doing so. Should they refuse you need to be gracious,  respect their decision and thank them for their interest and move on to finding to some other subjects.

later on when opportunities for repeat testing occur it may be useful to explain the  previous test coices  may have changed and that this is not a memory test,  and that they should not linger long over making their choices. In strict controlled research no feedback on previous test findings are given. In the not so strict or casual research some cursory remarks as to tension levels or; Factor settings may be offered, and is most useful when the subject is a fellow Szondi Test student or yourself. 

 Otherwise it may not useful or wise to attempt to teach every subject, the inner workings of the test protocol and all the possibilities of interpretation.the Szondi Test offers. A suggested approach as to give subject some feedback, is to briefly mention that tensions are caused by some genic affinity wishing to find satisfaction and that normal isas a mixture of genic affinities, as everyone is a mixture of these psychiatric labels that Dr. Szondi uses for his test, One may need to politely as possible cut short conversation while test procedures are in  progress.. 

You might use remarks  something like--" It might be useful to talk about that later when we have more profiles to review--".


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