Thursday, July 4, 2013

Szondi Study Group item 002

To understand the Szondi Test, you need to accept Dr. Szondi's selection, although critics frequently ask why just these disorders? Dr. Szondi answered something like--".. show me some other ones, that will work in this system--"

Each of the six sets of photos, has one photo each to represent, one of the eight  'gene related mental disorders'. each photo represents  an opportunity to be liked or not liked by the person taking the test and a way of filtering out a projected relevance for that person.
The interpretive phase that the results are used for then can identify the relative mix of  'drive impulses' that may be seeking to find satisfaction drectly or indirectly at tat time. These as findinf for intertretation may suggest the dynamics behind symptoms and non-adaptive behaviors . As when is the case when drive impulses are not satisfied or out of balance with each other. Generally, it follows, that balanced profiles indicate good coping skills and a adequate adjustment making in life and cause the subject to feel pleasure and satisfaction.

 Here the 'equal sign' is used to suggest the general direction each  hereditary 'Factor' generates as an inclinations traits or sometimes symptoms.

{The eight Szondi Factors are presented here as arbitrarily modernized by your editor-(FB)-for strict fidelity, always go to original sources.}

 Sexual Vector [REGISTRY/GENDER]
1.  homosexual (h)  =Need for tenderness in body rapport. motherly or somewhat feminine soft passive attitude.
2.  sadist (s)  =Need for hardness, in body rapport, physical activity or somewhat masculine aggressive attitude.

3.  epileptic (e)  =potentially emotional control issues seeking satisfaction, often  as sudden moral stance shifts or ethical dilemmas/
4.  hysterical (hy)  =potentially seeks ways to show self and gain admiration and get positive feed-back from others.

5. Schizophrenic  catatonic (k) = need/function of introjecton, imitation and build of narcissistic positions.
6. Schizophrenic  paranoid (p)  =need/function of projection, seeking/finding modes  or others for participation  in  satisfying the pressure from the other drives. In exaggerated forms, as a potential to the out-shifting of  inner conflicts. fears, or frustrations, as being seen as being caused by others.

7.  depressed (d)  =mood disorder potentially relationship related or triggered. May lead to clinging to or breaking free of attachment bonds. bipolar reactions. Anal personality characteristics.
8.  manic (m)  =mood elevation, in exaggerated forms, irrational optimism. Oral personality characteristics, restless seeking of party like or new adventures.

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