Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Uni-Tendencies in the the Szondi Test.

 In an Interpretation the term "Mature" in connection
with [d0][m+] is to  be understood as meaning one. who has an affinity or preference to the 'oral type', food, drinking, talking and seeks love object attachments
satisfiing these strivings as a 'need'. This generally is a positive social adjustment in type, wither or not any
such  person is 'mature' in other aspects of his life.
Further, findings stay unchanging over time or over-loaded [m+!]=4 [m=!!]=5 or extreme all 6 [m+!!!]choices. Then this aspect of the person's personality can still be a problem  in her life, deserving attention, when any sort of psychological help work or therapy is being considered.

In Szondi's general population studies, this  choice  affinity [d0][m-!] occurred with slighly less frequency than the the 'mature' [d0][m+], which suggests within the greater gene pool there exists a large number of
individuals (men outnumbering women, but even more troublesome when persistent in a woman, where it may also appear as a 'wrong gender issue'.) Characteristially these individuals adjust to and follow the same oral based socializations as others do, sometimes with a more forced driving of themselves to try tp derive the pleasures that others seem to get without appearing to work hard to recieve.  In a persistent affinity to [d0][m-] and if in over-load, the strivings belonging to the [m-] (lower part of the anal-sadistic core, [d+][m-] affinity), may take over as "revolt" agaist the life lacking pleasure or authentic satisfactions, while many live their entire lives wth out serious issues and are able to channel the hypomanic energy into useful activites, a number do not. Pessimism and a potential for suicidal thougts as well a self-harm occurs in some, but not all.

Here the affinity is that which belongs to the [d-] part of the [d-][+] incestour core, as if, no longer optimistic about ever finding a replacement object (no [m+]) he/she pick apart everything around them and at the same time not willing to let any part go, picky, miserly, stubborn but loyal, with occasional reckless or over generous moments. One see's here a tenacity, that reminds us what Freud, called the incest complex, much like the herd instinct of amimals, that holds families and society together.

 The SZ Uni-tendencies are useful to serve as explamples of what a per's is revealing about himself from his like or dislike of particular facial photoes of the eight psychiatric conditions Dr. Szondi used for both his test and the psychological concepts he derived from these reactions. In a later  delelopments he created a extensions to the method to measure a person's psychological gender aspects, called the Dur/Moll analysis prodedure.
Be sure to search through the old posts and pages shown top right as new material assumes some awareness of context that has already been posted. 

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