Thursday, April 26, 2012

Affinity for all the strivings within the Contact/Cyclic/Polar Vector. "Pan-Tendencies

Szondi's number--C16=Infrequent in the general population. 
Affinity for all the strivings within the Contact/Cyclic/Polar Vector. (Pan-Tendencies)
Astounding! Mind-Set Event--The full rainbow of strivings--from both polar spectrums, Manic and Depressive existing as active, at one moment in time! Painful-confused.
Szondi seized on the loyal-disloyal attachment strivings within this setting for it's capsule heading. This is, of course correct. But to focus on that aspect may cause an interpretation of an inner crisis, or a grid lock effect, to be overlooked, futher the loading of any Vector with 8 to12 choices, suggests a major overloading in respect to all strivings that that vector plays in the individual's intrapsychic functions, and at the same time limits the choices possible across the the other three  Vectors. [*To be displayed later] (At least one sort of /attention deficit'  cause, we can demonstrate.) This double ambitendency was the least frequent setting in the Contact/Cyclic/Polar Vector, but 'pan-tendency' occurs with more frequency in the other Szondi Test Vectors.(not displayed here) It is unstable and transitional. It may occur more frquently than we know as the event has passed before our test samples can be taken.

The "Horizontal Splt" in the Contact/Cyclic/Polar Vector.

Better characterized as multi-object attachment preferendce inclined, they commonally offer beautiful rationalizations why their endless search for love or substitutions for whatever it means to them, and which should be accepted as the enlighned way to be, live and socialize. 

Loyalty to not only to the lost, denied forbidden love object but often a stubborn insistance to not change the situation no matter how little they apprear to get from life. While one cannot attribute psychological masocism to this Vector alone, this dual dislike affiity to both lower ends of the anal-sadistic core and the lower end of the  [d-] characteristically stickly loyalty on the incestious core makes a perfect re-enforcement for the outright sadistically tinged pain to self, pain to others, in various  equivant froms, such as scenarios that are unconsciously arrainged as to create or give suffering, rejection, or characteristically, the killing of joy, in most enjoyment events. Being stuck in the 'lower ends' of the dual specrums of, manic and depressive, is not a pleasurable event. One, in which, various forms of psychological masochism then serves to make life bareable.

The "Vertical Split" in the Contact/Cyclic/Polar Vector.
Here we see aspects suupporting Szondi's view of this Vector, also being more than a mood or cyclic aspect, but as something where the person's drives meet the 'real world' in a characteric way, as that person see's his world in his mind-set at the time. Here [d0][m+/-], the percieved world is as one stuck in an isolation from the useful parts of his [d] strivings and emotionally he lives in an endless battle between his [m+] and [m-], as the  [d0] has shifted it authority to both ends of the manic specrum. An unhappy and often self districtive, suicidal or aberational striking out at others or the world in gereral potentially exists. If mirror-like flips to [d+/-][m0] occurs, the possibility of psychosis should be considered.
Often attacment and control issues apppear as a cyclic occurance by pressure from the [m-] strivings, part of the  anal-sadistic core (in Dr. Butler's view.)

[d+/-][m0] is similar in the unhappyness aspect but the result is arrises due a strong shift of authority of the manic   srivings side to the depressin spectrum of of polarity with its inclination to oscillate between hunger for love objects oe symbols of such [d+] and the old incestious model that cannot for long reallly serve as a replactment. The result is the person feels at a phobic/anxiety level a fear of losing attachment and/or control of his love objects, his material goods, and even his life itself. The cycling within depression striving poles, because the  lack of an adequate counterbalace, may drive those suffering this setting to seek help, usually after many experiments in self medicate, with alcohol, drugs, reckless behavous or in some cases, to follow criminal careers seizing, or exploiting other peoples valued objects.  
Last edit 4-30-2012

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