The four settings that are-- "Tri-Tendencies" in the Contact/Cyclic/Polar/Vector have a recognizable influence that deserves close attention.
While here appears various; sexual issues, abuse, cheating, relationship and mood issues/symptoms, one needs to keep in mind that interpretations just from this end of a person's Szondi Test profile can be misleading.
Understanidly all intra-personality functions affect each other. However the, Sexual/Gender Vector, stands the one most intimately bound with the Contact/Cyclic/Polar Vector.
On the Szondi Profile Grid the left most one is the Sexual 'S' and the right most one as 'C'. With a middle placement of Paroxymal/Emotional 'P' and Ego as 'SCH' where SCH is a reference to schizophrene inheritance. Importantly this
middle 'P' and 'SCH' Vectors act to moderate and censor both the Sexual and the Contact drives, every human has, varying only in proportion as to ultimately influence the way person the way s/he thinks, feels and acts within the path way permitted by his early conditioning and existing social pressures. Of clinical importance are the non-adjusted or symptomatic casations, where inappropreate or exaggerated strivings, cause perils to the individual, his relationships, or long term to end in an undesirable or dangerous form of existance.
C8= A mid-frequency occurrence in the general population.
For the average adjusted person, a less troublesome setting than diagnonal split =[d-][m+] or the uni-tendencies.
*Core = [d-][m+]=incestous/maternal like/oral socialized.
*Like Affinity= [m+]=preference for oral socializations.
*Dislike Affinity=[d-][m-]=loyal, stubborn, pessimism, suicidal thinking.revolt under some pressures
*Avoided prong=if inversion asserts, depression, lonelyness, sadistic or harsh moments. |