The Unfolding of the Ego.
Normally, Ego development takes place according to a detailed six stage schema as proposed by Susan Deri, "Introduction to the Szondi Test" [Grune & Strattion, N.Y. 1949. Her order is followed here, but the characterizations are arbitrarily revised into capsulations, for our study purposes. French Edition is currently in print. (Louvain University Press.)
1. (k0 p-)
Adualism: The indistinction between the ego and the other (up to one year). [See J. Paiget ] [In the adult it is called the 'paranoid Ego' and an indication of a regressive thought mode.
2. (k+ p-)
Childish Omnipotence: The magical-autistical omnipotence (pre-oedipian period). [See Melanne Kline's, not so benign view of infancy.] [See, J. Lancan," Mirror Phase"]
3. (± -)
Beginning accomidation, turbulence, resistance. (First Oedipian Separations) [See Winnicot ] [See Toilet Training, Early Care Takers.] [The "Restless Ego" of many talented Adults.]
4. (- -)
Acceptance, accomidation (The pressure to conform and the social rewards, the latency period. [The Drill Ego of Adults-Suggesting that many never fully go beyond this mode of Ego development.]
5. (- 0)
If acceptance and accomidation is successful, the start of adolescence the young person may then try to replicate that which was accepted earler ['The Mild Compulsive Ego' when found in profiles, one or two decades later. ]
6. (- +)
Adolescence. Mating impluse asserts on several levels and the desire previously repressed reaches consciousness backed by the newly aquired physical ability to do so. That this will meet with many set backs and frustrations, a well known feature of passing through adolesence. For many it will be the first serious Ego failure and the overwhelmed Ego may move to a kind of grid lock crises [k± p±] or what seems like a tuning off of thinking and feeling [k0 p0], or some will move back to older Ego settings with which they feel more secure however childish it may seem. Many show an appearance of [k+] and as well an awareness of depression [d+] as they restart a new search for fulfillment. In adults it is the 'Fully compulsive Ego'.
For us as students of human nature, we ask what is it beyond this theoretical passage of the Ego that will address our desire to understand the larger issues and concerns in respect to ultimate behavior? What can we by this Szondi Test that offers insight in those humans who develop atypical or outright abnormal forms of existance?
The best answer I can offer now is, we can recast almost everything you previously believed to be psychologically caused, in the Szondi coding system, but our new metaphors also leave many who's and why's awaiting answer. The metaphors of the settings, and the strivings and what they represent are crafted from the unconscious choices by tested persons. This is done without extracting a verbal inventory, in fact you need not even speak the language of the tested subject, as long is he follows the choice procedure correctly.
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