Monday, May 28, 2012

Introduction to the Ego/Self Vector, Szondi Test Modernized

Introduction to the Ego/Self Vector, Szondi Test Modernized

Introduction to Leopold Szondi's Unique Exposition of the Ego and it's functions. as a theory derived from the projections of various subjects taken across a varied social and clinical samples.  The "EGO THEORY" of the analysis of vicissitudes ('Vicissitudes' being Dr Szondi's term for his system of understanding the human drives he attributed to all humans. This theory was based upon a number of conceits derived from several decades of research using first, genealogical studies and later, the Szondi Test he invented. The end result of this mode study makes for a different view of the Ego, or Self, than today's, Self Psychologists accept, common usage or as defined by Sigmund Freud, as his well known, Tripartite" concept or Ego, Id and Super-ego. Szondi's view is based on the articulation of what he believed was the neuro-inheritance formed relationship existing between a person's Schizophrene inheritance, which was built from two functional oppositions and is age, hormonal and circumstance modifiable. He saw the pairing of Catatonia= [k] and Paranoia = [p], as being the Ego's genetic based origins. While today one can make many arguments against accepting or that premise, it is difficult to disprove in total. Also the mapping of the human Genome has renewed interest in this concept. Ultimately it is, as Szondi said himself about his larger system "..don't reject my theories until you see for yourself, how well they work."  His theory of ancestor back derived systems of drives, impulses, strivings, and needs is very speculative and interesting but to use the Szondi Test as a practical interment for counseling and therapy, with an intention to expose a person's dynamics and have suable clues to work from, one only needs to use, a practical logic based on reconciling lenitive the test findings with observations or other known facts. This is also the situation with the use of some other projective tests and various inventories in use to day that are aimed at being useful in aiding the counselor/therapist in his work.  Experience show that each therapist/counselor may have to rework some characterization of his findings based on each different client types. The old saying that one size does not fit all-- may ring true at times.

Next: The Sixteen Ego Settings as filtered out by The Szondi Test.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Szondi Test "Uni-tendencies" as tool to study personality by exaggerated examples.

 Szondi Test "Uni-tendencies" as tool to study personality by exaggerated  examples.\\

A uni-tendency is repsented, as an avoidence projection pared with a like or dislike "decided" coice. In each SZ Vector their are four such possabilities do to the way the test grid is structered. To understand the 'exaggeration' It is useful to see this setting as representing a shift of the control or influence inherent in that SZ factor to the direction set factor paired with it.
[0][+]. [0][-], [+][0], [-][0] 
Dr. Szondi speculated, that there was an intuitive language of choice, a preverbal mode of communication, left over from mankind's ancestors, which made the like and dislike of facial photos of gene set hereditary lines reacted to, as if a mirror of the personality of the subject observing them, when they were viewed in a certan sequence procedure that is to be followed to get the data properly positioned into a psychogram, he called a 'profile', and which, once correctly arraingced, as belonging to eight psychiatric types, can be  then interpreted by persons knowledgeable in this method. A data base of thousands of such psychograms were taken across many differed populations and clinical case types, to serve as keys for decoding when decoded, then may serve to reflect a persons drives, which in turn reflect that person's strivings, traits and needs. This then when correctly understood represents that person's larger psychological drive aspects, his vercisitudes. The Szondi test therfore is to be conceptual as both a drive/impulse psychology and an analysis of vercisitudes.In a further intuitive jump he offered that a person's choice of love mates, friendships, occupation types, and symptoms were driven by one's gene ancestors deermined drives existing  within the constraints of his environment, hence also his thoeories were a measuring of a persons trajectory to his ultimate fate and forms of existence. Thus also a "fate analysis". . At times, he called this approach "Fate-Analytic", to make clear its difference from Freudian and Jungian Psychoanalysis very dominant  in psychiary and psychology at the time. One choice each side is still considered as being an 'open'.