[Un-offical Stage VII ] Adolecent Ego Firming Up, Dawn of the Adult "Work-a-holic".
[k± p+]
In our discussion of the previous Sch settings, the [k- p0] and [k- p+], are the ones strongly characteristic for adolescents, we note the next presentation of typical stages of ego development raises more questions than we can anwer from our testing research alone. Here we show the youths dressing down to be 'cool' and accepted by their peers and at the same time separating themselves from their parents. They know very well the next moment they will act out some imagined but obsessive (adolescent narcissistic [k± p+] image of adult life, ones that are often well beyond their competency to carry through without conflict resulting. Some faced with too great of resistance or some untoward result may regress to earlier Ego stages and consequently use 'less adult' modes of self-management. Adult stance seldom happens until one is an adult. If then the Ego setting regularizes, the setting, one recurring, stable, then the complex one of the compulsive work-a-holic may take command.
In respect to the readers of this blog, this Ego setting [k± p+] carries all the strivings as 'active' which our data show as most concentrated in the mind worker occupations, teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers. The persons most interested in exploring the verbal-symbolic in themselves and others. Work addiction and willful insertion of themselves obsessional. Embedded in this setting are 1) [k+p+] The obsessional Ego, 2) The full compulsive Ego [k- p+] and the simultaneous strivings, introjection [k+] and repression [k-] There exists in every tri-tendancy setting, (a three pronged striving cluster in our Szondi jargon) that when under sufficient stress may 'invert' to the absent prong [here p-] and therefor the strivings represented by [p-] become the active portion of the Ego. In some, it can be a momentary flash of paranoia, but in others it can last for longer periods, or in the worst case scenario, mark the beginning of a clinical paranoid fate.
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