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This chart aims at explaining "Uni-tendancy".
These are most useful for study because the exageraged strivings stand out clearly.
It is always represents a special drive type. One in which a tested person unconsciously avoids one factor- and at the same moment, makes a like (red) or dislike (blue)in its companion Szondi factor
Here, the avoidance factor is charted as one photo liked and one dislike. In some cases the avoid reaction is so strong, no choice at all fills in. A chice of 1 photo kind as like and 1 as dislike is for our logic process considered as 'avoidant' 'null' or 'open', the terms are interchangeable. When the open has a compaion factor of 2 or more of the SZ photos as the like or dislike, then a uni-tendancy exists, Because of the contrast generated they are useful for our study.
Avoidance choices are sometimes called 'null' or 'open' reactions. and coded [0] as in [h0 s+] in the Sexual sphere. [h0 s+ would be read as a unitendancy towards those strivings inherent in the Sadistic/agressive drive.
The open ones are believed to represent an unconscious loss of of 'genic' valence or drive type power and therfore represent a directional shift drive power to its innate companion factor, amplifing that the impulses defined as the like [+] or dislike [-] direction.
For example in the Contact/Object Vector: The well known Manic drives [m]is always registered relatively against the depressive drives [d]
This permits a coding that is readable and which permits a descriptive reading to be made as repesenting an unconscious made, self-description.(This projection aor self-decription is the very essence of both the experimental test and the theories built on it. The thoeries collectivly are called Fateanalysis. As over tme how a person's drives unfold determines the psychovancelogical adaptive fate he ends with. Thus criminology, sociology and various culture effects have relivance as well.It can be in the hands of specialists be useful for diagnosis and therapy.
In each of the four Heredity Spheres, called 'Vectors' there are four uni-tendancies possible, which means 16 uni-tendancies have to be learned in order to have the key organizer for study of its theory and to have worable alfabet to use to understand goals and outcomes of the impulses of humans.